Edmonton Chinese Garden Society

To build, complete and oversee the Chinese Garden at Louise McKinney Park


Become a Member!

Support the Chinese Garden by becoming a member of the Edmonton Chinese Garden Society. We offer a one-year membership at $10, and a lifetime membership at $100. The membership fee is fully tax-deductible as the ECGS is a registered charity. You can become a member by filling in our membership form at CanadaHelps.org or completed our Stage II Membership Form and send it the following address with your payment:

Edmonton Chinese Garden Society
9649 - 105A Ave.
Edmonton, AB 
T5H 0M3

If you have any questions, please email membership@ecgs.ca.

Current Membership Lists

This lists permanent members for PHASE II since the inception in 2008 (the names of previous donors are already inscribed on plaques at the garden and are also online). The second list is for annual members for 2010. For any questions or concerns regarding inscriptions, please email inscriptions@ecgs.ca.

Phase One Donor Plaques Installed

Plaques recognizing Phase One donors was installed on-site at the Chinese Garden Sept 10, 2008. These are the proofs (Proof #1, Proof #2) for your perusal. Ongoing donations will benefit Phase Two. Other supporters. For any questions or concerns regarding inscriptions, please email inscriptions@ecgs.ca.

Any corrections necessary will be displayed on the Phase Two plaque(s).